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Friday, November 8, 2013

Sunshine? Here At The Dog Farm? I Guess Every Dog Has His Day . . .

The Sunshine Award sunflower pic
     Isn't it great to start the day with a pleasant surprise?  Like many folks, my morning routine includes a cup of coffee and a half hour or so checking web correspondence before leaving for work.  A couple of mornings ago I opened an email which informed me of a Tweet in which I'd been mentioned which in turn  informed me that Vern at Vern's Video Vortex (who also runs The Vern's Videovanguard) had awarded me The Sunshine Award

     Thanks for the recognition, Vern!  Before going any further, please allow me to share the rules of The Sunshine Award . . .

The Rules

1. Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog.
2. Link to the person who nominated you.
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself (use these or come up with your own).
4. Nominate 10 bloggers.
5. Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated.

     Following are my ten questions as dictated by the rules above, which in turn are followed by a list of the ten bloggers I've nominatedThanks again for the accolade!  This is my first blogging award!

 1.  How long have you been doing this, and when did you launch?  

     I began blogging just a bit shy of a year ago at the behest of my friend Phil Neff, who maintains the real world dog farm for which Movies At Dog Farm is named.  Phil told me that the freakishly long comments I'd been leaving on the Movies At Dog Farm group page on Facebook were, in fact, blog entries.  He also convinced me I could teach myself the nuts and bolts of blogging.  I doubted that.  I took a stab at it, tough, and here I am about to celebrate the Dog Farm's first anniversary.

 2.  Most pleasant blogging surprise? 

      I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me that www. stands for World Wide Web.  I was surprised and amused that my silly little movie blog was being read by folks in other countries.  Consequently, one of the first gadgets added to my sideboard was a Flag Counter.  It still tickles me when I pick up a new flag.

 3.  Most hard won blogging wisdom?

     I'm doing this for my own satisfaction.  I couldn't be happier if others are interested, but even if they're not this project is something I do because I enjoy it.  By extension, if I'm not enjoying it and it becomes a chore, then I'm not doing something right.

 4.  Topic of your favorite post?  

     My favorite post is also one of my earliest and lengthiest: Ten Best Genre Movies Directed By Canadian Auteur David Cronenberg.  It's still the Dog Farm's most viewed post by a wide margin, which I'd like to believe is not coincidental.  The Dog Farm quickly developed a less review oriented structure, though, since I don't really fancy myself qualified to be a movie critic. 

 5.  Favorite movie franchise?   

     Phantasm, because it does such a fine job blending elements of horror, sci-fi, action, comedy, and just about anything else you can think of that's entertaining into a genuinely unique whole.  I'd give my left nut for one final entry in the franchise while the Tall Man still walks among us.  Angus Scrimm can not be replaced.

 6.  Favorite animal? 

     I'm a cat person all the way.  Don't even try to make that reconcile with this page's thematic conceit.  Life is full of contradictions.

 7.  Recent movie you most feel the need to re-evaluate?

     Maniac (2013).  I generally don't care much for horror that's too "real", and I was never really a fan of the original.  I'd seen a great deal of Elijah Wood on Wilfred, though, which is often a dark and disturbing show, and I had faith that he could do the role justice.  He did, and the conceit of seeing everything through his eyes - which easily could have turned into a video game - was well rendered and highly effective.  Perhaps it was too "real" for me.  I've been haunted by images from Maniac since my first viewing, though, so I feel like I need to take a second look.

 8.  Favorite band?

     Radiohead is probably the only still active band I listen to.  Each successive album is more creative than the last.  I listen to Thom Yorke's solo albums for variety.

 9.  Favorite movie to subject straights to even though I'm almost certain they won't enjoy it?

     Beyond The Valley Of The Dolls (1970).  I've not made many converts, but the movie's history and execution fascinate me.

10.  Favorite movies to subject straights*  to because I'm certain they will enjoy them? 

     Suspiria (1977) and Pontypool (2008)The Thing (1982) is also a great choice if the straight in question leads a more sheltered life and I want to demonstrate the glory of practical special FX within the context of an altogether fantastic movie.

* "Straights" in this context refers to individuals not predisposed to enjoying genre movies.  


     Carl at The Info Zombie
     J.D. at Blood Sucking Geek
     Jeremy at [Being Retro]
     Warden at Warden Stokely Horrorzine
     Erin at Seven Doors Of Cinema
     Giovanni at At The Mansion Of Madness
     Bob at Candy-Coated Razor Blades
     Maggie at MK Horror
     Steven at Watching The Dead
     Kev D. at Zombie Hall

     All of these winners are talented individuals who commit a lot of time and effort to turning out some great content - in addition to just being an all around nice bunch of guys and gals.  Each of the listed sites is unique and displays all of the considerable personality their respective contributors bring to the table.

     Congratulations to the winners!


Giovanni Susina said...

Thanks for the award, Brandon! I too found myself leaving long comments on different film bloggers’ FB pages and eventually came to think that maybe I might have enough to say about genre films to start my own blog. I became extremely fixated with the prospect and come Hell or high water I would start a blog, and I did. The amount of readership, friends, and attention my blog has gotten over its near-three year existence exceeded my initial expectations. At first I assumed the almighty Google search bar would bring readers, so I didn’t promote too heavily. Other bloggers came around when I joined The Horror Blogger Alliance; it’s really great that a place like that exists. I met a lot more blogging friends after becoming affiliated with Italian Film Review and Blood Sucking Geek, such as yourself.

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Brandon! A well deserved award to you, to be sure, as you have been a fan of this genre as long as I've known you, which is quite a while.We won't go into the sordid length, which could be a a horror movie in and of itself! I truly enjoy reading your blogs.

Carl Boehm said...

The Dog Farm is truly a class act. I read so many articles that I end up learning so much from or simply agreeing with the arguments posted.

Best of all, I am glad to have found a kindred spirit that realizes the brilliance of the Phantasm films. The first movie is so influential and brilliant in its wackiness.

I wish I could direct a movie in the Phantasm Universe.

But I digress.

There are some amazing people that I have met courtesy of this internet, and I must say that you, Dustin Cabeal at Comic Bastards, and Paul Chapman have been a blessing of friendship in my life.

Maybe we can have a beer in person one day. For now, we will be riders on the frontier that is the internet.

Many millions of gigabytes of ideas to you, sir.


Brandon Early said...

I know you can't see it, but I'm blushing. I'm glad starting this little project has afforded me the opportunity to meet so many fine, like-minded individuals. I wish that I had more time to devote to it - and to keeping up with all the great work everyone else is doing. Thanks so much for the kind words.

Don, I had no idea you'd been visiting the Dog Farm. Glad to have you. Please comment more frequently, as I know I've personally subjected you to enough obscure genre movies to insure you're well versed in the Dog Farm's subject matter.

TheVern said...

Thank you for continuing this award and for the link love too. Great list of answers I plan on checking out Maniac this week

Kev D. said...

Phantasm? Solid answer. I'm also psyched to see you namedrop Pontypool since it is one of my all time favorites.

Kev D. said...

Oh also, THANKS!

wardenstokely said...

Why, I'll be damned...and what better way to start the day! I am honored to be included within these esteemed bunch of guys and gals. I sure as hell don't get to read and post as much as I'd like. But, Brandon? When I do, I hit the Dog Farm right of the bat! Thanks a helllll of a lot, and like I always say....Keep those fires stoked.
Eternally Yours
The Warden

Brandon Early said...

Kev, Pontypool is truly an underappreciated gem. I've never shared it with anyone who didn't thoroughly enjoy it, and yet most folks have never even heard the title. It was one of the movies on the program of the Movies At Dog Farm II Pre'Ween Picture Show last year.

Warden, I know what you mean about not having enough time to devote to this. We just need to figure out how to make a living at it. Kudos to you and Kev both for all the hard work you put into it, and congratulations.

Thanks, Vern, for spreading some sunshine and giving me the opportunity to pay it forward to these fine folks.