The original Friday The 13th scared the hell out of me when I saw it as an impressionable ten year old at the now long defunct Harrisonburg Drive-In. It's funny, now, to imagine that I was ever frightened by a Friday, but I had no idea at the time that a movie could be so . . . graphic. This was the first hard horror movie I'd ever seen, and make-up ace Tom Savini showed me things in great, gory detail that my innocent young mind had never imagined. The arrow through Kevin Bacon's neck from beneath the bunk haunted me (dammit, I knew something was under my bed), and Jason emerging from the lake at the end (". . . then he's still there. . ." - echo and fade) worked on my brain like the finest campfire tale.

Best of all, though, Jason begins to give us a clear indication of his own moral imperatives. He wouldn't kill a guy in a wheelchair, right? Mark's machete-in-the-face backward wheelchair ride down a lot of stairs, never tipping over until the chilling freeze frame and fade to white, proves otherwise.
Jason's first two-for-one kill of copulating teens - trimmed to avoid an X rating, and very reminiscent of a murder set piece in Mario Bava's Twitch Of The Death Nerve (1971) - also betrays a very puritanical upbringing. Seriously, imagine what kind of mother Mrs. Vorhees would have been. The indication of some kind of inner life for Jason that drives his murderous impulses is way scarier than the hockey masked comic book character that came later. As slapdash as much of Part II is, it gets a lot right. Jenny's contemplation in the local bar of Jason's psychological state as dictated by the traumas he's endured humanizes him just enough to make him that much scarier. Now we know he has an agenda.
. . . and speaking of things Part II gets right: Jenny is easily the very best of the Friday Final Girls. She's likable, smart, engaging, and entirely capable of handling her own pitchfork. I remember being very disappointed that Jenny didn't at least make a pre-credit appearance in Part 3. Then I remember watching the rest of Part 3 and realizing that was only the tip of the disappointment iceberg. So was Friday The 13th Part II the best of the Friday franchise? Well, The Final Chapter competes, but I believe Part II takes the prize. Please discuss . . .
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